Monday, September 24, 2012


I have basically been shut down other than doing those things that one can do on autopilot.  I am still wrestling , almost in a state of shock because of Paula having to deal with this battle of cancer.  I still question why sometimes.  Why does cancer exist, why do little babies get aborted before they have a chance to even breathe their first breath in this world?  Why do politicians spend so much money and time trying to prove to us that they deserve to be in power?  Why does power mean so much to people in that mindset?  I wish I could even express how frustrating this political season and all those questions that really can't bed answered this side of heaven is to me.  I finally decided on this short break here popped a cd in of the HEE HAW gospel quartet, (initially I thought I would be made fun of) but right now it has blessed me more than anything I have had my hands on all day except for my devotional time.  I guess perhaps this is a little bit of what I picture heaven to be.  I wish I could better express to other people how it is so worth it to know God.  Even when you feel like your ship is about to crash into a mountain, God can steady that ship, just with the touch of His hand or the breath in the wind, or by His Almighty word.  I know this is one of the hardest times of my life, because I love my family so, I love my sister and brother so much.  I know one thing even more, that God loves us all more than I can even comprehend or think of.  I long to hold onto that.

Till the day we see Jesus........still minute at a time.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This world has gotten to be quite a place that needs changing.  I believe change is going to come, but not in the form that people think that it will be.  I still find it amazing that dad keyed into the opening up of an evil spirit into this land on 09-11.  I think that he was right on with that, and it continues even to this day.  Of course, every one who knows me knows that I have had a stamp on my heart for the nation of Israel from the day that I left there. 

Today I read that a major Israeli newspaper said that the US had not promised to protect Israel from Iran, so to follow up on that I pulled up the Jerusalem Post this evening.  This source stated that the Likud party is downplaying any lack of support from the US, but guess what I saw on the front page headline.  Graffiti sprayed on one of the walls that said "Jesus was a monkey".  It took me immediately back to The Passion, and the devils torment of Mary as she watched her Son taken to the cross for our sins.

All Jesus ever did was love us. 

All the enemy of our souls seeks to do is destroy us.

I will stand on the side of Love, and I will continue to voice my support for the tiny nation of Israel.  One day this tiny nation will roar, and God will save her from those who seek to destroy her.

Praying...........for the peace of Jerusalem.

On a sunny day, you can see forever

I didn't quite know what to do about the horse. It was obvious he was in some sort of distress, but how to help, where did he come from? All of these questions ran through my mind as I stood there, eyes tearing up , looking at the beautiful animal that stood in front of me.
"Oh what stories must you have to tell."

I had to think. "Let's see, I know there is a farm about a mile away from here. Could that be where you are from?" I wish.......hmmmmmm.

I walked around the mare and looked at the ribs rising up from his sides. "My word, this poor animal hasn't eaten anything in days......He couldn't have" "How on earth did you get here?" It was like he appeared out of nowhere.

I didn't have a harness or lead to put around the animal's neck. I decided that I would walk back home and call the local veterinarian for advice on what to do. The vet had not had anyone call that they had lost a horse from any of the local farms, so she and I came up with a skeleton plan for caring for this animal. It was obvious he needed someone who understood horse behavior, and also someone who was willing to take on a nurturing role to get the animal back on it's feet.

"How does this work. Do I put an ad in the paper? Do we make some calls?" The real question in the back of my mind was "do I get to keep him?"