A few years ago after my grandfather died, to cope I started to look at the stars and found one in particular that stood out bright, and told myself that it was my grandfather looking down on me. Over time looking at the sky with the million stars out began to mean a totally different thing to me. I guess because I am in an area where clear skies are almost the norm at night, looking at the stars began to remind me of just how big God is, and that He is the ultimate control over all.
What a lesson I am learning.
Taking my heart back to a year ago....October 27. I started to search the sky for the brightest twinkling star to use that as symbolic of the spirit of my sister Paula. As time has went on, I have found myself not able to look at the stars. I even tried the other night when I took the dog out. I glanced into the sky at this beautiful blanket of stars, and shrunk back almost in tears because of how overwhelming the realization is that I want my sister.
The lesson?
Despite the struggle that I have letting go, and that I do not have control of everything in this world of mine-God does. I look forward to the day that I can look up to the sky again, and be thankful to know that in spite of cancer, God is still there. In spite of a world who seems bent on self-destruction, God is still there. In spite of the hatefulness of man, who would poison even little ones, God holds this precious ones in His arms, and He does have control. He does have the role of Victor in the end.
Don't believe me?
Just go out.......look at a star lit night, and allow Him to show you.
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