Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9-11 12 YEARS LATER........

I don't know sometimes the urge to write hits me at the wrong time.  I have already begun to think about tomorrow and the anniversary (although it almost seems improper to call it that) of 9-11.  Some have asked where was God during the attacks on the trade towers, the pentagon and in pennsylvania?  My husband questioned me on my assertion that God did not cause the attacks, but He did allow them.  And sometimes I wonder why.  Although I have always been taught that there will be a time that the true church will be put into the fire and refined to cause a great revival, it is still really difficult not to be angry at the evil that was perpetrated on this nation.  Some have even said that it was like there was an evil spirit loosed onto this soil.  I guess the only truth it that God only knows.  I do know that God was there in those halls/stairwells/rooms and in those spaces in the air that people called out to Him for comfort.  I do know God was there for those first waves of military that were sent into harms way.  God was there is the souls and spirits of those who laid their lives down to save others.  "Greater Love has no man than to lay down their life for a friend".  I want to take this time in my writing to honor those families who sacrificed their family members in the attacks on Sept 11th.  The firefighters, ambulance, policemen, and all of our military-----May the God who created us all bless you all.

I also honor a gentleman that I particularly noticed at the towers.  It was a firefighter sitting at the bottom of the towers before they fell.  I never saw him again, but I noticed him in particular throughout this whole event.  I wish I knew whether he survived.  If he had family, I honor them in his loss, because he was a man who showed me just what an impact this day was having on all of us.

I also ask that God be with our current military and those who lead.  Marines, Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard.  God be with you all.......and protect you with His Mighty Hand.

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