Saturday, August 31, 2013

Keep My Eye on the Lion -the Lion of Judah that is

I have to be honest, there is so much going on that I am like a basketball player on a court watching all the action around, and I lose sight of the ball.  I question myself constantly because I don't think I am good enough for Jesus, and yet he chose me.  It is a concept that still blows my mind.  When I have all of these doubts about myself-there is something inside the core of me that says "Keep your eye on the Lion"..  Bills may roll out of proportion, changes happen constantly in our world of work.  It indeed is enough to make a person take pause.  I don't like the frustration I feel.  I don't like feeling like I am alone, so I ask God to help me keep my eye on the Lion. The juxtaposition of that is I want to keep my eye on the Lion of Judah.  I want Him to watch that lion that is strolling around to try to seek and destroy all the belongs to God.

Years ago, I read about all of these goings on in our society, and I believe at the time I thought it was just a story. And yet I look around at a world that is within a keystroke of going into another war that could be very damaging and deadly to many young people in the world.  I am so ill from watching little children having the foam coming out of their mouth because of power's hatred. There are days currently, that I am afraid one of these days I will wake up and our whole world will be turned upside down.  This is why we keep our eye on the Lion .

"Anyone who hurts one such as these, better they shall have a millstone wrapped around their neck and dropped in the bottom of the sea."  I believe Jesus said that.  How his heart must break for the innocents that are killed.  How His heart must break for those who cause all of this death and destruction.  I think of the time Jesus stood outside of Jerusalem going "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how would I have gathered you up"....."yet you would not have it."  Is this the same thing that we as individuals do whenever we do not see His grace in our lives?  I sometimes think how God's heart breaks for all of us, because some days we get it just so wrong.  We do not live in love.  We do not live in His Grace, and yet He patiently waits.

I think that the wonderful thing about knowing there is a God is that in the world of constant changes HE DOES NOT CHANGE.  There is something so nice about, even when my world is going 1000 mph, GOD DOES NOT CHANGE.

Continuing to keep my eye on the Lion of Judah

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