Friday, August 6, 2010

marriage isn't for sissies......

Nor is it irrational.....I have listened with an unbelievable amount of frustration to increasing attacks upon the sanctity and union of two persons as they become man and wife. Just yesterday a circuit judge in the state of California, says that believing in marriage between a man and a woman is just "irrational" thinking. I believe that somehow this country is running down a deadly slope. It seems to me that I recall hearing that when Hitler was in his heyday, the whole idea of a perfect society was to get rid of those who did not believe the way he did, or to send them to camps for mediation and training that in essence to change their thinking. Even today you hear rumblings of countries like China sending those who do not believe the way the dictatorial nation believes to camps for "rewiring" as it were in their thought processes or God forbid even worse. I also believe that the judge in California who deemed the traditional marriage as irrational is playing into the hands of the Almighty God. And it has been proven time and again, that it is a dangerous thing to play into the hands of an Almighty God.

I also feel sorry for these folks who believe these things. I keep thinking about when Jesus was on the cross and He said "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Our country needs to fall to its knees desperately, and pray for Gods blessing on us once again.

Back to marriage, whenever I was in my twenties, and even in my late teens and into my thirties I really was too selfish to even contemplate being married. I in essence wanted to do what I wanted to do. And in essence, God had a better plan.

I would marry my Kevin all over again. Even with the same health concerns, same money concerns and through it all. Because in essence marriage has become something more to me that just getting whatever I want out of life. When Dave prayed that Kevin and I would turn to God even at those worse moments in our life, it was a very very powerful moment.

I probably will be writing a lot in the near future here because I need to share what is going on in my opinion with this society and what the future may hold.

There is one thing that I know beyond the shadow of a doubt. People can call their unions marriage, but marriage it is not. Marriage was not designed by man. How dare we be so egotistical--- Marriage was ordained by the Almighty God, ruler of the Universe. And in the end, He Will Reign. No matter what we as a society think that makes us so special to change moral law.

Yes marriage is not for sissies. It is far beyond sex, way far beyond the day to day events that we go through. Marriage is a lifelong soul committment and bind between 3. A man......his wife......and the God who made it all possible.

I am so thankful for God bringing me to my Kevin.....

I can still hear him singing to me the song "I Cross my heart"

sssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhh...........can you hear it too?

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