Thursday, March 29, 2012

Woman thy name is _____________________

I am amazed at the strength of women. I am amazed at the wisdom of women. I have met so many amazing women over the years that have dealt with so many obstacles in their lives that it would be impossible to say that a man would survive. I have no problem with men, don't get me wrong. It's just there is something about the strength of a woman that is truly one of the wonders of the world. One of the gifts of God. We just lost one of the truly incredible co-workers that I have had the pleasure of working with , of learning from, of being around since I have begun public work. She shared that she had survived many times of abuse, and yet when her abuser was taken ill will cancer, she had the will and the strength to care for him until he died. She raised her children, she worked, and all of her life was about giving to others until she was no longer able to do that. I pray that God will give her a reward that is equal to her gifts that she bestowed upon her friends and co-workers. There is another really sweet lady that I have known forever, and even though she had experienced many instances of disappointment, abuse, being taken advantage of, and betrayal, this dear sweet lady always had a song in her heart and a smile on her face. Both of these women, I know could have easily written a book about their experiences. Both were women of very strong faith. While I met them at two very different periods in my life, their impact on me has been profound. I am also amazed at my mother. I heard someone once say of their wife that she was the only person he knew who could make something out of nothing. I kind of think that way of my mother. So incredibly incredibly one of the most giving people I know. She knows no other way. And then there is my sister.... She has raised up two wonderful daughters, who have wonderful children of their own. She has "talent on loan from God" to quote Rush Limbaugh. I believe she was instilled at birth with abilities that others have to go to school to learn. She actually without trying has taught me a lot....just by her example. Incredibly smart, and just an all around sweet lady. What she has that I wish I could have on some level is that flexibility to adjust to circumstances surrounding her. What about these women makes them so amazing? I believe it is their ability to be strong without having to be what I call a "man wanna be". All of these women are amazing, feminine wonderful role models for all of us around them, and I believe they are all a part of God's Crown Jewels on this earth. God Bless Your Impact. The hand the rocks the cradle indeed rules the world....

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Now I lay Me Down To Sleep

These are the words I used to say every night before I went to sleep as a little child. Today, with finding out the journey my sister has to take, I would really like to revert back to that again. Childhood. A time of carefree living....not a care in the world. Now two of the people whose lives, if they were pictured in a dictionary would have their picture next to the word energy. are in the process of having their lives turned upside down by two very ugly diseases. One being cystic fibrosis, and the other being cancer. You know in the Psalms it states that God has the very hairs of our heads numbered. (even my coarse old gray hair)...and that makes me believe that God knows every detail, every minute of these two young ladies lives. That does not mean I understand it at all. I sometimes feel as if I am looking through one of those old mirrors, the kind that the mirror looks kind of cloudy after it has aged awhile? I really feel that way, because I wonder sometimes what in the world is going on. I get disturbed by generalized chaos in the world, but I get really thrown, if not offended when life hits too close to home. (that being my immediate family.)

I go back to a time, when one of my very best friends in the whole world brought a song up to me mainly because I receive music well. "when you cannot trust His hand, Trust His heart". Even though I cannot see clearly where all of this journey is heading and rest assured know that the control freak in me doesn't like that, I do know that Jeremiah is true when it says "for I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and not evil". Mainly because I know that God is the only thing that remains the same yesterday , today and forevermore. Funny, I can almost hear Reverend Frazee say that in my mind. I still believe. Not because of anything I have done, but because I know God is God. We hold onto that each breath that we take, each step that we take. He gives us hope for the days ahead.

So again I pray

"Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray Oh Lord my soul do keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Please bless my sister, help her sense Your strength replacing her weakness. Help my brother to stay strong, and bless April as well. Be with the girls, and their respective families, Lindsey, William, Kris, Chrissy and the kids." Most of all bless my parents. Bind them together, and help them to know just how much they are loved. This is so new for them God. But you know them, and You shall hold them with your almighty hand." I pray you will help us all to find our rest in You. In your name that stays the most precious name ever spoken. Amen....

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Beauty of The Family

I love being a part of a family. You get to grow up loving each other, fighting like cats and dogs, and making up all in the same day. When outsiders pick on your brothers and sisters, you become part of the greatest team in the world, that no one can take on.
It is a wonderful thing. But the greatest thing about becoming an adult in the family is that as the oldest, I get the chance to look at both of my siblings as people who can change the world. I am so proud of the people both mark and paula have become.

Another precious part of life that we all have encountered is becoming a part of "The Family".
I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God. I can still hear Judy sing this at Union Chapel in my mind. The family includes friends that I went to school with who have moved to other parts of the country, and yet when I ask, "will you pray" they say "absolutely". It is a couple of gentlemen I work with that when I say "can you pray" they say "sure". It is a school mate, that prayed what I believe we all need to hear. "prayer for peace that passeth understanding". It is a little 5 year old that I believe has God's ear before any of us, because she is such an angel. It is a wonderful family that we grew up with that is out west. It is wonderful people who serve God in the state of Florida.

I sometimes wonder why the world does not get it. This is not a farce, it is not someone's imaginattion. There is a God whose son came to earth as a man, to live and die for our sins. He rose again the third day, and he lives and prays for us in prayers that we cannot even imagine, because He and only He knows our greatest need. I think of when Jesus was returning to heaven. '"My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives". His peace is real, and His peace is what we are all going to hold onto throughout this day.

God Bless and be near to all of my friends, especially those who are facing major physical issues. They all know who they are, and they know I love them all. I pray a special blessing on my sister and family, including the extended family at Union Chapel. You all are a godsend. Our own little stack of dynomite in Blackford County. "The little church that does BIG things" We are all so grateful that you are walking through this journey with us. You are precious....

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19-2012

Today is a very special day. I am bringing to you a break in the story on my treasure I have discovered, instead to focus on the treasure that we who are believers hold onto. I also focus on the treasure I was born family. I ask you to share with me as I give this time, give this blog to praying for some very special people. The top of the list right now is my sister Paula. Again most of you know that she is fighting for her life.
Oh Lord, you know how I am sensing such a heaviness in virtually all the situations that fall under a general title healthcare. This falls both in the physical and in the spiritual and emotional areas as well. God, you know we are waiting for a definitive answer on the PET SCAN that Paula had to go through. I am amazed that You already have set in motion those plans that You put into place in the womb. You call us and You know us by name. There is none other who would retain that spot in our hearts and in our minds. You number the very hairs on our head, and for You to do that, and to know that means that I know You are ever close.

I ask for your protection and shelter over the homes of my family. This would run from Dad, all the way down to little Aidan and Zuri's house. I ask that You build a shield of faith around them that nothing can penetrate. Block out fear, block out exhaustion, and bring peace to all involved. Help mom and dad to get rest. I ask not only for sleep, but rest. I ask this also for Paula. I know that if tbere is any of me in her, that you would rest her mind, and help her to know that You have already taken care of all those things that we think need to be taken care of. You have been so good to us Lord. We have been so blessed. I ask also for care and protection from exhaustion for extended family members. (they know who they are), Grant these folks some peace and restore energy to them, as they walk through this time period in their lives. Help them to know that they are indeed loved by You.

I ask that you put your hands around Paula. Take her face in your hands and help her to realize just how much you love her. What an awesome, grand thing. I pray God that you will breathe life into any of those areas that might be questionable to the doctors. Breathe life on her. Help her to radiate Your love. Help her to be the support that she needs to be for our extended family who is experiencing some serious health problems.

I pray oh God, that you would touch the folks in a way that only You, the Creator of this Universe can. Give mom and dad strength. Help them to realize that their strength comes from YOU. You know I have had concerns about their health since this journey has begun. I also know they are tired. Right now in my mind, I can see them going to the creek, like on Campbell Mountain in Kentucky, and getting this freezing cold water, and splashing it upon their faces. Let them be refreshed like that. Instead of going to a physical creek (although I am sure they wouldn't mind), help them both to come to You. These days I pray help us all run to You. Because only in you lies our answer for living and being. But let the refreshment at the Fount be just as rich as in that real creek on Campbell Mountain.
Be with my brother Mark and his wife April. I pray for them bcause I ask that you bless them. Again God you know what respect I have for both of these kids. Help them to continue to live for you , and to be strong, and couragous. I am amazed again how Bible quizzing questions keep coming up.

I pray Lord that you would hold Union Chapel up, as they seem to have an overload of issues with the membership having illnesses and such. I have to believe an attack comes on in a place where the word of God is being lived out. Union Chapel is a great example to a world that is hurting. May they be blessed.

God, you are so incredibly good. Again, you know how I feel-that I don't deserve your goodness, but I am getting better at allowing myself to receive Your love. Continue to allow me to live that which You are showing me in front of the people I run into in my daily life, and I ask for a complete head to toe touch so that You and I can keep walking down this highway called life. Thank you again for giving me these wonderfully wise people in my life. They are all truly gifts from You.

Monday, March 12, 2012


So today, I am thinking about possibilities. I was walking one day along this country road. There were amazing fenced in pastures on both sides. It was great to see how beautiful they were. As I was walking I looked off in the distance and I saw something that seemed way out of place in such a serene setting. I climbed over the fence and began walking slowly to the dark object that was standing there. As I got closer, I could see that it was a horse. It was watching me as I began to walk toward him. It was a beautiful colt, but as I got closer I could see that the colt had been mistreated. I could tell by the look in it's eyes that life had not been kind to the beautiful colt. Normally you could see these horses running the fields as I took my daily walk. This one was different. There were open sores on his legs, and he had this look in his eyes. It was like he was lost. Anyone who knows me realizes that I can tell these things. I inched closer, and he just stood there as if he knew that I could read him and the circumstances that he found himself in.

"Ah precious one, how did you find yourself in this place?" I said as I gently moved my hand in front of his nose. "You must have been waiting, just for Me."