Monday, February 6, 2012

"You tell me what is Impossible with God"

This is one of the most memorable quotes from the movie "Facing the Giants" and I keep thinking about that today.

Again everyone knows that there is so much going on with my immediate and extended family. We received some sad news this evening, but what I want to tell you is how God kinda new ahead of time what I would need to hear to be able to accept the news and I am soooo grateful that He alone knows what we need at all times. And that He alone can get through this woman's head and heart.

I was listening to a sermon this morning on Psalms 56. The sermon focused on the phrase Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted out of the Beatitudes. These are the two points that hit me between the eyes. Number 1, Jesus says we "will" be comforted. He doesn't say we might be comforted, He doesn't say if I feel like it you will be comforted. He says we "will". In a world that is crazy and chaotic, I have to tell you, I am glad to have a God that stands firm, and is true in all things.

The second part of the sermon is that God puts our tears into bottles and cherishes and holds everyone of them for his keeping. I reread Psalms 56 to see where David said that. I know that scripture says our tears are in His book. I can see that in my minds eye. It also hits me as well, that God shed tears when Jesus died on the cross, so He knows every hurt and everything that we go through.

What an amazing comfort.

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