Sunday, October 30, 2011


I've been thinking about the things that really matter. I've been thinking a LOT about the things that matter.

When I listen to the news and all of the goings on in this world, I find myself enjoying just shutting all of that out and focusing on the many blessings that exist in my little corner of the world.

For instance, family.

Two parents for over fifty years that are two of the smartest, wisest people I have ever met. Mom can make anything edible, and has more determination about accomplishing goals than just about anyone I know. She has become "mom" to more kids in the town we grew up in, and has always held open arms to all.

Dad, my goodness, the one person that can make me laugh no matter what. He is wise, he has a soft emotional side, and loves to work with his hands.

They both relish in the fact that God has built a family out of all of us kids, and they lead with a great humility every day of their lives. We have been surely blessed.

My baby brother..... Not so much a baby anymore, but a strong man, whom God has blessed with a wisdom that I don't even know if he realizes at this point in time. I so appreciate the ability that Mark has to have great discussions, and to be the man that his wife April needs.

My baby sister....(although I am sure she wouldn't want to be called that). A very smart, driven young lady, who I think could run the world if she chose to..... She brought two very precious daughters into the world, and they in turn have brought 3 very precious grandchildren to my sister's life. All I know is my sister is very wise, and has a great spirit of love that she carries with her daily.

As many know, she is to start the fight of her life this next week. I think if I were cancer, I would be very afraid, because she is an amazing fighter, and will walk through this with the strength that I know that she has.

The most important thing that I know, and our greatest treasure of all-the God that binds us all together. I keep thinking of that song "Bind us together, Lord. Bind us together."

We shall trust and walk daily with God to hold our family together through this next few years. I know He is faithful to hold on to us all.

What a great treasure.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Probably one of the most important trips I have ever taken in my life is to the little giant of a country named Israel. Coming from a relatively small town, at the time I never believed it could ever be possible, but somehow God helped me be disciplined enough at that time to get the money together to travel into Ben Gurion airport and to the City of Jerusalem, God's holy city.

It was such a blessing for me to be able to travel to Israel. For me, there were so many times that I could sense there was an actual God moment where Jesus actually walked, and yet there were other times I could tell there was a bit of the tourist industry at hand. My first picture of Israel was as we drove up over a hill overlooking the city and immediately my eyes welled up as I recalled when Jesus stood and wept over the city wishing He could take them in as a mother hen does her chicks. I could actually imagine being there when He was there.

We went into Jerusalem that first night and settled in, with a little bit of jet lag and a lot of excitement. The hotel room was sufficient enough, we spent some time in the Word and woke up the next morning ready for a new adventure. Touring the city of Jerusalem.

I think perhaps the most interesting places were those things that I wasn't used to. Those markets for instance with skinned food was hanging in the windows as patrons passed by or went in to get their food. I loved the Western Wall.

That was when the Bible started to come alive for me. At that time, we had a little angel named Lydia that was fighting to get a liver transplant, and I was able to go the wall, and put little Lydias picture in between a couple of the stones as I prayed for her and her family. As I look back at that I can hardly wrap my mind around it. Seems impossible, but God has proven to me time and time again that all things are possible with Him.

We were able to walk through the gates of the Old City. There is so much I can tell you of my impressions at that time. Our tour guide was Schlomo, and there are times even now I wonder if he is still alive. But my inner tour guide, my Jesus, placed the picture in my mind that one of these of these days folks.....I would be walking on streets of gold in the New Jerusalem. I tried to picture in my mind how beautiful those scriptural references to the New Jerusalem are, and my heart just leapt for joy.

Another place that I loved was Gethsemane and the Eastern Gate. Gethsemane is such a beautiful peaceful place and I can imagine at the time that it possible was even a larger garden than it is now. I could see why Jesus would want to be there to speak to the Father. There is a church (I believe (the Church of the Nations) that has carbondated a large block of rock that is believed to have some from that time period when Jesus was in the Garden.

The Eastern Gate- well the Eastern gate is so important for so many reasons, but at that time, and even now it reminds me of the Easter joy of the resurrection and the joy my father has every time he wakes me up singing "Up From The Grave He Arose"

Jerusalem.....ah Jerusalem.....How I would love to take you under my wing.....

Please pray for the peace of this City of God. It is an amazing place, and it is the City of God.

Blessings to you all...



Saturday, October 8, 2011


So when I was in Israel, we rode on this boat where the captain stated that one of the fascinations about the Sea of Gaililee is that there are storms that come up out of nowhere. Today, this moment in time, I feel as if I am in one of those storms. I rest in the fact that the God of Glory neither slumbers, nor sleeps, and He is always aware of those things that trouble us most. He knows of my concern of those who are dear friends who are ill, and He knows that I pray He would hold all of us as a mama dove holds onto her little ones in the midst of a great storm. May this storm help us to rely on You God for You alone are entirely Worthy of all that we have and all that we are.

Till next time......

Your Gaililean traveler.....