i've come to the conclusion this post passing experience has probably been way harder on me than it has been on kevin. as the matter of fact i know it has. learning to reclaim who i am without being a 24 hour caregiver is becoming a really difficult task. i am finding daily that i have to lean on God more and more with each breath that i take.
i probably am not going to write a lot tonight, but these are the main things that i have learnt this week from a God who is so gracious to one such as I.
i hope a pray for the day that He brings me a hunger for Him, because i do hunger for God in a way i never had before. and somehow i think kevin had a part in showing me that was what was to be.
kinda like the 'Signs' movie we loved to watch.......................
i also am trying to learn how to be me again..... but better, because i experience all of life in a deeper more spiritual way. ......i always had looked at the world through the eyes of a believer, but it is different now.
i am thankful God has walked with me on this journey.........
and my bear still is watching over me...............